50 most beautiful jewish women

50 most beautiful jewish women

A US Journal chooses the 50 most beautiful Jewish women

The beautiful Israeli model Esti Ginsberg (photo) tops the list of the 50 most beautiful Jewish women elaborated by the American digital magazine Complex on the occasion of the Hanukkah holiday, which includes half a hundred Hollywood actresses, animators and models connected with the Judaism either from the halachic point of view (according to Jewish law) or for having become, even to get married.

“Traditionally, Judaism is passed on by the mother – this means that if your mother is Jewish, so are you – and if she is not, you are not, and no matter where your father prays; However, reformist Judaism admits a child with a Jewish father who grew up with Jewish qualities, “explains the introduction of the payroll.

“We have included all sorts of Jewish beauties: the devotees (Natalie Portman), those who are not according to law (Winona Ryder), conversations (Elizabeth Banks), non-religious (Sarah Silverman) and the Israelis (Bar Refaeli); When the rule is, we have love for all, “the conclusion adds.

Heading the list is the surviving model who has appeared in sports magazine Sports Illustrated for the last three years, followed by actresses Mila Kunis, who has Ukrainian Jewish parents and has said in several interviews that she is considered “quite Jewish”; Rashida Jones, daughter of legendary soul producer Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton.

Also appear on the payroll Gwenyth Paltrow, of Jewish father, in 36th place; Goldie Hawn’s daughter, Kate Hudson, in the 25th; And Sarah Michelle Gellar, 20th.

Among the Israelis are Portman, born in Jerusalem and a former student of the Hebrew University (7th); The model Bar Refaeli (5th) and the actresses Moran Atias (12th), Noa Tishby and Yael Bar Zohar.

“Just as a flame dancing on a candle emits heat, so do many of the Jewish women who have left their mark on popular culture in recent years,” writes the magazine, which is touted as “the main digital destination Of the most influential consumers in their twenties. ”

“Regardless of your faith or religious belief, after reading this list you will agree that the women of the Tribe of Judah are the second violinist on the roof,” the article added.

Bar Refaeli
Bar Refaeli
Moran Atias
Moran Atias
Winona Ryder
Winona Ryder
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Rashida Jones
Rashida Jones
Noa Tishby
Noa Tishby
Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman
Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow
Elizabeth Banks
Elizabeth Banks